Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Monday, January 20, 2014 Flushing Seems like a very simple act...if your toilet actually responds and does its job properly. All three of our toilets have a BIG problem doing this simple maneuver for some reason, so we have to help them out here and there. Sometimes it is multiple times per day. All part of the routine...along with the deodorizer and could say it's a different kind of ambiance. Can't say I'm accustomed to it yet, but I'm going with the flow. A few months ago, I tried to teach the kids how to plunge for themselves, but that made more work than it was worth. ):Trust me:( So, I'm on call 24/7. However, when "the call" comes after ten pm, after I've already gotten into bed, it makes me want to build an outhouse right next to the trampoline...are those legal in San Jose? Or maybe we can install a throne on top of the sewage clean out next to the basketball hoop. Nothing beats direct access! That should also keep us from having to buy so much Lysol. I'm certain things could be worse...oh, the joys of running a busy household! Speaking of which... I've been working on lyrics for a song...dedicated to my children....this is what I have so far: Have you ever wondered why you can walk across the floor? Or how it's possible to get through any door? What happens to all those tiny rocks? Or who rounds up and washes all the socks? It's not magic it's not a mirage That keeps everything tidy in the garage! Nor is it a pixie, brownie or fairy That keeps our house from looking so very scary! Yes! I agree it's quite miraculous, there's always food in the fridge So maybe, just maybe you could help me just a smidge! Have you ever noticed there aren't any dust bunnies under your bed? Or any cobwebs up above your head? Do you think the toilets have auto-plunge? Or the walls wipe themselves with a sponge? It's not magic it's not a mirage That keeps everything tidy in the garage! Nor is it a pixie, brownie or fairy That makes sure our house isn't so very scary. Yes! I agree it's quite miraculous there's always food in the fridge So maybe, just maybe you could help me just a smidge!

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