Wednesday, December 20, 2017

April 20, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


i am barely managing my household right now...Mir and I are SICK with some nasty strain of flu. i don't want to dwell on that, but we have been ill since Saturday.
i hate the flu and how it ties you down. 
i hate being restricted. 
i like to be free to do
what i want,
when i want,
how i want. 
to shop, play at the park, go to the library, etc. being THIS sick, really slows me down. and it is times like this that i truly appreciate the freedoms we are blessed with in our country. 

it made me lol today when i thought about what was triggering my gratitude. 1: feeling helplessly tethered to my home right now, 2: the fact that we have more than one throne.

i would not do well in a society that dictates how i spend my time, energy and money. i am so grateful ours is still a free nation! there are things that bug me about the current trend in politics. things that make me panic at times. i watch glenn beck at night. most nights it puts me to sleep. when i am able to stay awake, i am very encouraged to know that glenn is educating all that will listen about the foundational values our country was built upon. also from watching glenn, it has become a goal of mine to teach the kids about the constitution and the history of our country. a friend of mine introduced me to this excellent website. my kids love it and it has been a great way for all of us to become better acquainted with the principles on which our nation was founded, and how our country is supposed to function. 

other things i am grateful for:

+having great memories of when my brother and his family visited from utah last week
+having a wonderful visit with my parents
+having the best birthday ever (thanks again mom and dad!
+getting sick sat after taking my parents to the airport (there is no time to feel sad about them leaving when you are hugging the throne)
+having my husband take care of the kids while i slept all day sat (unfortunately, he forgot he had been assigned to give a talk on missionary work at a mission farewell sun. luckily, he remembered an hour before church and was able to pull it off)
+having kids that will do their homework, practice piano, fix dinner, and entertain themselves when i am out of commission.
+having friends call to check on me

i feel so very blessed...despite barely managing and feeling crummy.

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