Sunday, February 21, 2010


I have been so busy living life, that I had forgotten my quest for new bread and that I even had this blog. What is the quote? "The road to He[ck] is paved with good intentions". How could I let life get in the way of my quest to make the gluten-free world a better place?

I can truly sympathize with the gluten free/wheat-free community now that I have been on this diet for nearly three months {which feels like three years}! I think I have lost weight (but I am not sure since we don't own a scale), so that is a bonus in addition to feeling lots better! In fact, I feel so much healthier and happier eating a more whole foods diet, that I am starting to understand what PROVERBS 3:8 really means!

I never realized what truly poor health I was living with! AND can you believe I used to scoff at people who took eating so seriously? I used to think that THOSE people were fanatics! You know, the ones that read labels, buy organic, avoid refined sugars, exclude food with partially hydrogenated oils, and anything that is unnatural. I used to never check the ingredients in my food, "IF it looks good, smells good, tastes IS good", RIGHT?

I never knew that there was a better way to eat! NOW I avoid anything unnatural...I still eat some processed foods, but at least we are avoiding artificial sweeteners, flavorings and dyes. We never ate much "junk" food, but now we eat even less. Occasionally, the kids ask for lolly pops and candy that contain unnatural ingredients {and look down right toxic}, but I try to sub similar healthy snacks in their place. Nobody complains!

What makes me the happiest, is to think that my kids are growing up healthier. I didn't eat very well as a child and would sneak candies and goodies every chance I got. my kids beg for carrots and broccoli, fresh or steamed! SCORE! We make green smoothies and eat lots of cheese. We snack on rice cakes with spun honey. We eat nuts and seeds daily. It seems so strange to be saying these things! Until last year, I never thought I would be/could be a health nut. But here I am, making daily efforts to live healthy, be healthy.

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